What A Night To Remember

Young carers, GYC staff and supporters came together on the evening of 21st September to launch our 30th Anniversary year– and what a night it was at the beautiful Llanthony Secunda Priory!

Greeted by a rainbow as we arrived at the venue to set up, we knew it was going to be a special evening. The programme was packed full, and included a whistle-stop tour of the work of GYC from staff, a new film featuring young carers past and present, and a preview of our new website.  But of course, young carers were the highlight of the evening sharing eloquently how support from GYC has helped them.

Members of the Young Carers Forum told the audience about GYC’s 30 for 30 fundraising campaign for the year encouraging them to sign up.  They were ably supported by staff member Scott demonstrating 30 ‘keep fit’ activities participants could undertake!

We were especially pleased to welcome some of the people who were instrumental in setting up Gloucestershire Young Carers all those years ago, including the first young carers identified in Gloucestershire, Jen Sebright, who sat on the original steering group.

And of course, you cannot have a birthday party without a cake.  A rousing rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ rounded off the evening with, Samuel, aged 10, making the first cut.

Here is some feedback from our guests:

‘A memorable event, especially the young carers’ confident involvement in outlining your work.   Your support to young carers is very evident and impressive.’
‘What an amazing event! So many old and new faces. Very moving!’
‘I’m just so pleased that children and young people like me have benefited from this project.  It’s made a real difference to their lives.  We couldn’t ask for more.’

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making the evening such a success and to all those who came to celebrate with us and continue to support young carers and GYC.

October 16, 2023

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