Goodbye Kate

We say a very fond and sad farewell to Kate Moss who has worked for GYC over the past nine years. Kate has been supporting young carers living with parent with mental ill health developing lots of new services.  She has also been working with all the health agencies to help them to identify young carers and know how to get them support.

We spoke to Kate for one last time and asked her some tough questions…

What is your favourite memory at GYC?

That’s impossible! I’ve got so many happy memories over the last 9 years at GYC & most involve seeing children and young people having lots of fun, making friends; or feeling anxious about trying a new activity and feeling proud that they have achieved something they were anxious about doing.

What experience will always stay with you?

Non work – it has to be the sponsored skydive I did for GYC last year.  Not only was it an amazing experience but the generosity of people who sponsored me was awesome!  Definitely recommended for all thrillseekers.  Work wise – I was lucky enough to accompany two amazing young people who presented at an international conference in Oslo (It Takes a Village).  Watching those young people on stage was awe inspiring and the conference venue was incredibly impressive!

What will you miss about your colleagues?

The camaraderie of the team – being able to have a laugh with everyone, share news about our families, shared lunches, being able to ‘let off steam’ when having a difficult day…being there for each other.

What won’t you miss? 

The journey to and from the office (especially in the winter) though I will miss the time I spend by myself in the car singing my head off.

What message would you like to leave to with young carers of GYC?

Remember you are amazing!  Aim high – you can do it!..... And remember it is not your fault if a member of your family has a long-term illness or disability.

Kate’s care and dedication for young carers and their families has been outstanding and she has made such a positive impact on the lives of so many. Always creative, good fun and a supportive team member Kate will be hugely missed.

We wish her the very best of luck in her new role.

November 7, 2023

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