GYC Attends Launch of Enquiry into Life Opportunities of Young Carers at the House of Lords

GYC was invited, alongside other local and national organisations, for the report launch of the first ever parliamentary inquiry into young and young adult carers. This report has revealed that a lack of support for young carers is having a devastating impact on their education, wellbeing and future prospects.

The inquiry heard from 70 individuals and organisations including young carers services, schools and parents. Most importantly it heard from more than 400 young and young adult carers around the country, including those from Gloucestershire, who gave evidence alongside as part of a submission from Young Carers National Voice and through our YACtion and Our Voice forums.

The report details how many young carers are not being identified by local authorities or schools and this is leading to a postcode lottery of support. The inquiry heard that some are being left to cope alone for 10 years before being identified; while evidence to the inquiry showed the average waiting time to get support is three years. Thankfully, in Gloucestershire young carers can access support within a couple of months of being referred and we work hard within the ecosystem of organisations in the count to ensure that young carers are identified and supported wherever they encounter services.

The inquiry revealed a significant impact on young carers’ life chances including their mental health, achievement and attendance at school, ability to complete their further education and access to employment.

GYC does all it can to try and redress the balance aiming to ensure that all young carers are able to enjoy their childhoods and realise their ambitions for their future.

It was good to be present at the House of Lords to hear politicians from across the political spectrum give their response to the report. We are keen to witness how the recommendations are actioned and to see a step change in support for young carers through the joint working of organisations and support at the highest level of power through the All-Party Parliamentary Group.

December 12, 2023

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